I borrowed this from Jen's blog. Just a few fun fact about the boy and I....
How long have you been together?
3 years, 1 month and 3 days
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
6 years... There is a lot of history there.
Who asked who out?
We met for Coffee one night but I think he asked me out on our first official date.
How old were each of you when you met?
I was 15 and he was 17.
How old are each of you now?
24 and 26
How long did you date before becoming engaged?
We are just enjoying each other.How tall are each of you?
I am 5'3" and he is 6'3". I wear heals a lot.Whose siblings do you see the most?
Neither really.
Do you have any children together?
We have dogs.
What about pets?
3 dogs. One water dog and two dust mops...
3 dogs. One water dog and two dust mops...
Did you go to the same school?
High school- No. He was a private school kid and I went to public school. We both went to the U but never at the same time.
Are you from the same hometown?
Who is the smartest?
It depends on what we are talking about. We each have our things.
Who is the most sensitive?
That would be me!
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We do not eat out a lot anymore. So either Fazolis or Cold Stone :)
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
We drove to Seattle together.
Who does the cooking?
Me, I enjoy cooking and cleaning. It relaxes me.
Who is more social?
Him for sure. I am totally fine with spending the night at home or with just a few good friends. He likes to go out and be the social butterfly.
Who is the neat freak?
We both are. Me because I am me. And him because of the Army. The bed always has to be made in the morning. If he gets up before me sometimes he will make his side of the bed, while I am still in it.
Who hogs the bed?
Who wakes up earlier?
Me on work days. Him on the weekends normally.
Who has the bigger family?
We are about equal. Although my extend family is bigger.
How do you spend the holidays?
We split our time.
Who is more jealous?
Do you have little pet names for each other?
Honey and Sweetums. When we were first dating we tried to gross each other out with overly sweet pet names. Cupcake, honeybuns.... You get the idea.
How long did it take to get serious?
About 6 months or so
Who eats more?
The boy
The boy
Who sings better?
Cody-I should not sing!
Who's older?
Age:Cody. Maturity: Me.
Who does the dishes?
That is an equal task for the most part
Who snores?
That is all the boy. I talk on occasion.
That is all the boy. I talk on occasion.
Who's better with the computer?
The boy
Who drives?
Cody. I hate to drive.
Who kissed who first?
I teased Cody into kissing me.
Who eats more sweets?
That is equal. Although I can eat more ice cream.
1 comment:
Hey, if it keeps you updating your blog, you can take anything you want from mine! Isn't that stuff kind of fun to learn about each other? I think those things are way fun to fill out. Woo - see you tomorrow! (and I love that you comment on blogs now!) :)
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